Admission Procedure

A candidate with an aggregate of 50% marks in degree course is eligible for admission to the MBA programme of this institution which is affiliated to CUSAT. Students studying in their final year degree course are also eligible to apply provided they can produce proof of their result by September.  Click here to apply online. The total intake for the course is 120 and 5 times of this capacity will be short-listed for the selection process. The opening of the admissions will be announced in the website and media. Students from all the States can participate in the admission process.

Bhavan's Merit Scholarship

Bhavan's Merit Scholarship for candidates with Overall A+ in Graduation.

Alumni Scholarship Programme

Scholarship programme offering Rs. 10,000/- to deserving students nominated by the members of Bhavans MBA alumni committee. Eligibility criteria will prioritize financially disadvantaged students with commendable academic records seeking admission to Bhavans MBA programme.

Extracurricular Support Programme

Support programme worth Rs. 5,000/- for talented students excelling in co-curricular activities, as identified by Bhavans MBA alumni.

Selection Procedure

The short-listed candidates will be called for interview at Kochi or in online mode for remote candidates. A panel of experts from industry and academia along with a representative of the CUSAT will select the prospective candidates based on the following norms.

Parameters Weight
GD 10%
Interview 10%

 1. The minimum qualifying cut off marks is 10% for General Category & SEBC and 7.5% for SC/ST.

2. All tests will be treated at par ( CAT/CMAT/KMAT).


On selection you are expected to pay the following fee.

Course Fee Rs. 70,000/- per semester.
Hostel fee Rs. 9,000/- per semester.
Admission fee Rs. 1,000/-
Caution Deposit Rs. 2,000/-
Hostel Admission fee Rs. 1000/-
Hostel Caution Deposit Rs. 2,000/-